LEGO Friends Story Maker

Creating a memorable experience for children to create stories based on familiar friends.

The Challenge

Did you know that girls have a completely different way of playing with LEGO® bricks than boys? LEGO®'s "Friends" line offers a number of different playsets to engage young girls with the building—and playing—experience.

Looking to create a digital experience as well, and inspired by work previously done by my employer, CauseLabs, I helped make Story Maker the beginning of the journey into digital gaming for LEGO® Friends.


  • I came into this project after a previous contractor was fired. It was all front-end work, written in straight vanilla JavaScript, but depended heavily on several hundred graphical assets to provide a great experience.
  • For the final deliverable, I was to deliver a package file that contained everything laid out in a client-specified detailed format, consistent with the client's internal network. Unfortunately, we experienced a number of CORS issues, solved by setting up a local environment that mirrored the client's complex environment. There was a lot of trial and error here, but we managed to squash the issues and get things working!
  • Given the opportunity to do it again, a framework like Vue.js or a general-purpose gaming framework would be a good choice for rearchitecting the application. Working within the confines of the previous developer's direction under a tight deadline was challenging, but in the end I was able to deliver something that met the needs of the client well.

Source code is not currently available.


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES5)
  • jQuery


About 2 months