Creating software is more than just writing code.
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Mark Horlbeck
Software Engineer


I started my career in computer programming at the ripe age of seven, writing my first game on an Apple //e after seeing my name appear on the screen from a program my father had dedicated to me. Little did I know that one moment would define my career and life passion.

I love working these days with web technology as a full-stack developer in PHP. I have a bachelor's of science cum laude in Computer Science, over 15 years of experience, and a swiss-army knife skill-set: everything from web application development to database architecting, with some information technology infrastructure administration thrown in for seasoning, among other things.

Get in touch to see how we might work together!


A sampling of projects I've worked on over the years.


Just a few of the areas I've worked in.

Web Development


Windows Development



Other Software and Tools

Where I've Worked

Just a few of the organizations I've worked with.

Recent Articles

The positive impact of technology in the world today


Quoted for my approach at the time for technology scaffolding for postively impacting the world.

Queuing Mailables with Custom Headers in Laravel 5.4

April 8, 2017

How to work around some removed functionality concerning closure serialization with Mailables and queues.

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